Made in the USA since 2008 | Made to be Real™
Manufactured in the USA since 2008
Installed Everywhere

Home Theater and Entertainment

Looking for a sim that will provide mind blowing realism and immersion for your in-home enjoyment? 

As it turns out, there is a very obvious connection between what is real and what is fun.   Driving a real race car is super fun, but also not possible for many people.  While we work with a lot of race car drivers, both pro and amateurs, many of our clients are not wheel to wheel racers.   The one universal thing between racers and non-racers we have observed in many thousands of product demos, is the positive emotional human reaction to first time SimCraft users.  Racers say it’s real, non-racers say it’s fun.  We think they are both correct.

Below are a couple of suggested products for our clients looking for a realistic (and therefor fun) simulator from SimCraft. 


APEX2 PRO Racing Simulator
Compact Trainer (CT) Model in PRO Configuration
2 Degrees of Freedom (2DOF)
Best for Racing Simulation


APEX3 3dof pro racing simulator
3DOF GT Model in Pro Configuration
3 Degrees of Freedom (3DOF)
For Racing Simulation and Flight Simulation