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CEDIA Expo attendees experience SimCraft firsthand

Dallas, Texas (October 3rd, 2022) –

SimCraft, a leading manufacturer of advanced racing and flight simulators, showcased their latest products at the CEDIA Expo held in Dallas, Texas last week. The event is one of the largest trade shows for smart home technology and custom installation solutions. SimCraft’s advanced simulators, known for their realistic motion technology and customizability, were a popular attraction at the show.

According to Sean Patrick MacDonald, co-founder of SimCraft, “CEDIA Expo was a great opportunity for us to introduce a new simulator category for the AV market. Our latest products, which we developed with input from AV integrators, received a lot of attention at the show. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of simulation technology, and we believe our new line of simulators will provide a unique and exciting experience for AV enthusiasts.”

SimCraft’s simulators are known for their advanced motion technology, which simulates realistic sensations of motion for racing and flight simulations. The motion technology has been developed and refined over many years in direct collaboration with some of the highest achieving professional race drivers in the United States. The motion simulators SimCraft manufacturers can be customized to fit the specific needs of each client, incorporating many combinations of AV tech and racing and flight controls.

The SimCraft team also showcased their latest software advancements, including new game interfaces, and realtime customization of the motion experience. The company’s commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction was evident throughout their booth at the CEDIA Expo, and their simulators left a lasting impression on attendees.

“We are excited to announce the integration of AV Rack-style equipment and high-end audio in a new line of our APEX Racing simulators we call ‘ELITE’,” said MacDonald. “The ELITE simulators feature a 5.1 surround sound system with eMotiva amplifiers and FOCAL Dome Flax speakers. This integration of high-end audio and AV equipment provides a more immersive experience for users and allows them to more fully engage with the simulation environment.”

SimCraft’s commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction continues to set them apart in the simulation industry. For more information on their products and services, please visit their website at